It was really fun to experiment with the game Minecraft and to think of all the possibilities and uses it can have in student instruction such as a final project or learning how to work collaboratively with others to solve problems. As a parent and teacher, I think that I have often overlooked the value of gaming. It is the structuring of time and setting limits that is the key.
I look forward to learning and discussing project based learning. How it can redefine learning, instruction, assessments, rubrics, grading, engagement, student motivation ....
I have done a lot of busy work on my web page(s) with all the visual organization and adding of information. I would like to add some more video and links to make it more interactive and appealing. Laurie gave me a good idea on how to have parents link to their child's page to look at their products, video, blogs etc. using Seesaw. When I get home, I will also be downloading the epic books app (added it to my website for parents to consider.)
You are reflecting on some new ideas and how you can see them used in education. It is amazing how technology can make learning and problem solving a fun activity! You continue to work on your web page and discover how to do amazing things! It will be a great way to communicate with parents and students. We will look at Seesaw tomorrow and I hope it will help you accomplish your goal of documenting student work.